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Corsi \ Are You looking for a VDS Course ?

Are You looking for a VDS Course ?

Did you know that if you complete one course you can have 4?

By obtaining the LAPL(A) light airplane pilot licence, according to Art. 11 paragraph 2) letter c) of Presidential Decree 133/2010, you are entitled to the automatic issue of the VDS certificate.

Basically, you can obtain only an aeroplane licence and be both an aeroplane and an ultralight pilot with the following advantages:

  • Dual licence: LAPL + Basic VDS with Passenger, Voice and Advanced ratings;
  • Savings from the economic point of view (about 1000 €);
  • Time required (less than 6 months compared to the 2 years and 6 months required for the advanced VDS);
  • On expiry of your VDS licence, you are entitled to automatic renewal of the Advanced VDS by presenting your valid LAPL licence.

The training course will also be completed in a flight school:

  • certified according to EASA regulations;
  • with high training standards;
  • with highly qualified staff;
  • based in an airport.

