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Corsi \ ATP(A) Modular Course

ATP(A) Modular Course

Scope of the modular course is to achieve the knowledge and skills necessary for all those who intend to carry out the activity of airline pilot ATP(A).


The modules are divided into training phases:

Fase 1 – PPL

  • 100 hours of theorical lessons
  • 45 flight hours with C152

Phase 2 ATP Distance Learning

  • 650 hours of theorical lessons

Phase 3 Hour Building

  • 90 flight hours with C152

Phase 4 Night Rating

  • 5 flight hours with PA28RT (or similar)

Phase 5 Instrument Rating SE

  • 35 flight hours with FNPT II
  • 15 flight hours with PA28RT (or similar)

Phase 6 CPL

  • 10 flight hours with C152
  • 5 flight hours with PA28RT (or similar)

Phafe 7 MEP Rating

  • 6 flight hours with PA30
  • 1 flight hour for Proficiency Check with PA30

Phase 8 IR Multi Engine Extension

  • 5 flight hours with PA30

Other training solutions are available according to your needs.

PPL Prerequisites
Applicants must be 17 years of age or older and obtain a Class 1 medical certificate.

MEP Rating Prerequisites
Applicants must have completed 70 hours of flight time as a Pilot in Command.

IR ME SP Prerequisites
Applicants must have: PPL, Night Rating.

CPL Prerequisites
Applicants must have completed at least 150 hours of total flight time and have a valid IR ME SP.

CPL Skill Test Prerequisites
Candidates must have: at least 200 hours of total flight time, at least 100 hours of flight time as Pilot in Command including 20 hours of Navigation and including a cross country flight of 300 NM with 2 landings on stops other than the base.
